I do Web Development on a Windows Machine! That isn't a confession and I'm not embarassed. Windows is the 'devil' I know, and I work well with it.
In 90% of the cases I can check out a repo, run npm install, run the start or build command, and I'm ready to develop my heart out. TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Vue, and Angular are all pretty platform agnostic by default. Most of the time you do not need to use platform specific commands inside NodeJS.
However, every once in a while I come across setup scripts that use linux specific commands I recently came across something that was using cp, a linux command to copy files. Ideally these commands, if required, are hidden inside a docker image. But, not always. How do I run these commands in Windows?
One consideration is to ask if these commands can be rolled into a to cygwin. Install it, then add the install directory to your system bin path (c:\cygwin60\bin), restart your console, and you're good to go. A bunch of linux commands will run natively on Windows.
Some information out on the Internet said CP was built into Powershell, however on my Windows 10 computer, it would not work--until I got cygwin installed.
I hope this helps someone.