Angular 17 is out; and the Learn With Series is updated. Angular 17 is the first version of Angular to use stand alone components as the default, however I decided to make this release the last version of my books that focused on Modules, which is the most common approach used in the wild, still.
Go Get Them:
- Angular 17 with Mock Services: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
- Angular 17 with NodeJS Services: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
- Angular 17 with Java Services: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
- Angular 17 with PHP Services: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
- Angular 17 with ColdFusion Services: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
Also Check out the bonus books, which include a brand new chapter on using Angular and Ionic together.
- Infrastructure Bonus Book: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
- Coding Bonus Book: Buy from Me | Buy from Amazon
If you check my web site, you can find packages
Usually I spend some time in my first newsletter of the year to look at the year in review, but this year I want to look forward. I plan to focus my time this year on writing a book about npm libraries. I'm about a quarter of the way through, but writing something new takes a lot longer than updating the previous, so I suspect my blog output to slow down a bit during this year.
Onward to something new!